Wadi Rum, Jordan

Wadi Rum, Jordan
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You know that you know the Wadi Rum but you don’t know what it is. In fact a small place of about 720 km2 located in south of Jordan, in the middle of the desert. You can think it’s in the middle of nowhere. It’s in the Middle East, which isn’t the middle of nowhere. But it’s in the deep wild desert. It’s so red it could be Mars.

Wadi Rum, Jordan
Wadi Rum, Jordan. Photo: Daniel Case
Seven Pillars of Wisdom rock formation in Wadi Rum, Jordan
Seven Pillars of Wisdom rock formation in Wadi Rum, Jordan. Photo: Tomobe03, Wikipedia
Wadi Rum, Jordan
Wadi Rum, Jordan. Photo: Ester Inbar

For now, the place doesn’t seems to be invaded by tourists, so it could be the time to go there.

Now you know the very famous movie saga of Star Wars. Just do something hard by trying to remember which part of the movie was shot there. Or The Martian, by Ridley Scott, with Matt Damon. Or Lawrence of Arabia. Or Prometheus. Ridley Scott too. Seems that he really loves this place.

The Wadi Rum belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Now you understand why.

Wadi Rum



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